Astera Is One of KMWorld Magazine’s 100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management
We are pleased to announce that Astera has been named one of KMWorld Magazine’s 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management.
In today’s business environment, it’s more important than ever to be able to fully leverage enterprise information assets. Organizations must be able to reliably share up-to-date information with internal teams and applications, clients, and business partners.
Centerprise Data Integrator provides a powerful, scalable, high-performance, and affordable integration platform designed for ease of use by business information experts, yet robust enough to overcome even the biggest and most complex data integration challenges. Centerprise enables organizations to share better business information quickly and reliably by reducing information roadblocks due to data integration, data quality, or data availability issues.
“The criteria for inclusion on the list vary, but each of those listed have things in common. Each has either helped to create a market, redefine it, enhance or extend it,” says Hugh McKellar, KMWorld Editor-in-Chief. “They all share a fundamental motivation to innovatively meet and anticipate the widely diverse needs of customers with robust solutions to meet evolving customer requirements challenges.”