From remote-first companies to flexible working hours across industries, the pandemic has brought unimaginable changes to the workplace. And in the midst of these changes came a necessary realization. According to LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning Report in 2021, 64% of analytics…
Key Takeaways from 2024
Learn how AI is transforming document processing and delivering near-instant ROI to enterprises across various sectors.
Category: Knowledge Center
Learning with Data: Why You Need a Data Warehouse to Measure the Effectiveness of Your L&D Strategy
Data Visualization: Connecting Your Data Warehouse to a BI Tool
Your path to BI data visualization probably involved creating a data warehouse and populating relevant data from multiple sources – but how can you make sense of all of this data? The answer lies in business intelligence tools. Information delivery…
What is dimensional data modeling? Examples, process, & benefits
Dimensional modeling is a data modeling technique optimized to run queries and retrieve data from an EDW.
What is API Integration? A Guide
An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of protocols for building applications. APIs enable different web services, systems, and application software to connect and share enterprise data. What makes APIs so widely used is that they are ‘platform-independent.’ As…
15 Best ETL Tools in 2024
Organizations today have access to an immense volume of data. To put it into perspective, in 2022, an estimated 97 zettabytes of data were generated globally—that’s a staggering 97 trillion gigabytes! However, this data will remain untapped without the appropriate means…