Key Takeaways from 2024

Learn how AI is transforming document processing and delivering near-instant ROI to enterprises across various sectors.

Category: Type

  • eBook

Streamline Cloud Migration Journey

With ever-increasing data volume, organizations can no longer rely on on-premises data systems for strategic decision-making; they are rapidly moving their data assets to the cloud to keep up. However, migrating to the cloud can quickly turn into a complex…

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  • Blog

MongoDB Vs. SQL Server: How to Choose the Right Database?

One of the pertinent issues while building a software application is data storage. An easier way would be to store data in Excel and its likes, but they don’t really help with large amounts of data. When dealing with high…

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  • Blog

MongoDB vs MySQL: A Detailed Comparison

Investing in the right database can make it easier for businesses to tackle the exponential growth in data these days. Several database providers claim to meet modern data challenges, but the question is: Do they fulfill your specific business requirements?…

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  • Blog

Effortlessly ETL Data from MongoDB to SQL Server

MongoDB is an ideal database to handle the explosive growth in unstructured data. The non-relational nature of the database allows excellent back-end support for applications related to the Internet of Things, content management, e-commerce, and more. However, when it comes…

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  • Blog

An Easier Way to Implement Trigger-Based Change Data Capture in SQL Server

Suppose you have an SQL with customer information connected to a data warehouse. Your analysts utilize this database to create personalized marketing campaigns for your customers. New customer data comes in regularly, and old customer data changes frequently. To account…

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