Astera Releases Version 10.0 — Featuring AI Capabilities and more!
We’re thrilled to announce the release of Astera Data Stack 10.0. The new version brings exciting new features and updates for improved data management across the enterprise.
Astera Data Stack solutions inherit all the benefits and functionalities of the previous version and open new avenues for seamless data management for our users.
Why are we so hyped up about this release?
This update is an interesting incursion for us into the Artificial Intelligence space. It opens new pathways to intelligent data extraction, allowing users to gain meaningful insights from unstructured files faster than ever.
The key highlight of this release is the newly added feature called AI Capture, which uses table detection and natural language processing to automatically create data extraction templates.
Let’s delve into what’s new and updated in Astera Data Stack 10.0.
Astera ReportMiner
With AI capabilities and improved region properties, Astera ReportMiner just got better than ever!
Astera ReportMiner now allows users to auto-create data regions and fields with one click using the Auto-Generate Layout option. Powered by Artificial Intelligence, this feature automatically recognizes name-entity pairs and tabular data regions and captures fields in the respective regions. It increases the efficiency of the extraction process and reduces the effort of designing report models from scratch.
Users can also adjust and modify auto-generated layouts to fit their specific requirements, resulting in a robust and customized data extraction template.
Auto-generate layout is the first component of Astera’s AI Capture technology that embraces the best template-based and AI-based data extraction techniques to ensure maximum accuracy and speed.
For more information on how to use this feature, click here.
Additions and Improvements
- Region End Type: Users can now define the endpoint of a region by specifying a regular expression or a string text by selecting “Till Regular Expression” or “Till Specific Text” as the Region End Type.
- Case Sensitive and Regular Expression Checkbox: We have introduced two new checkboxes under the Size and Position section of the Field Properties panel:
- Case Sensitive: To make the searching for the start position string case sensitive.
- Regular Expression: To specify a regular expression as the starting position of the data field.
- Defining Comma Separated Values in Start Position: Users can now specify multiple strings to define the Start Position of a data field in the Field Properties panel. This is particularly useful when the unstructured document does not have a consistent format or a fixed pattern.
- Remove Specified String: We have introduced a new checkbox for Specific Strings under the Remove section of the Field Properties panel. Here, users can specify a string they want to remove from the data field. Users can also define multiple strings separated by commas to remove them from all the records for a particular field.
For more details, check out the Release notes.
Astera Centerprise
With .NET6 compatibility, users can seamlessly access legacy applications and enjoy performance improvements
.NET6 Compatibility
Astera Centerprise now supports .NET 6 framework.
Launched in 2021, the latest .NET 6 features cloud diagnostics tools, new runtime optimizations, language improvements, and new performance enhancements.
Users can take advantage of these .NET6 upgrades and explore new paradigms of cloud development.
Improvements and New Changes
Browsing Files from the Cloud
Users can now easily browse files from cloud storage platforms and write to files stored in a cloud destination. Astera Data Stack 10.0 has the following two cloud storage connectors:
- Amazon S3
- Microsoft Azure Blob.
Local Path Restriction
The local path restriction feature allows users to restrict access to the local path to ensure data security. Enabling this option will allow users to access files from the cloud and not access or save any data on the system.
The option is provided in cluster settings to enable access to local paths. It’s disabled by default.
UI Changes and Fixes
We’ve also made some enhancements to the user interface. Here’s a list of the UI components that have been improved:
- Job Monitor
- Job Progress Window
- Server UI
- Scheduler UI
- Verification Errors/Messages
- Wizards
Microsoft has recently introduced a new email authentication method called Modern Authentication that uses the Microsoft Identity Platform to access emails. We’ve updated our Email Source to accommodate this change.
The newer version allows users to configure modern authentication and access Microsoft Outlook emails in Astera Centerprise without any hassle.
Try the Latest Version of Astera Data Stack First-hand
Are you interested to explore Astera Data Stack and see how it can help you become a data-driven organization? Click here to download a 14-day trial version of our enterprise-grade solution. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at support@astera.com.