EDI 107 Request for Motor Carrier Rate Proposal
What is an EDI 107 Request for Motor Carrier Rate Proposal?
An EDI 107 Request for Motor Carrier Rate Proposal is used by a shipper or a receiver to request a service and rate proposal from a motor carrier.
Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 107 Request for Motor Carrier Rate Proposal
An EDI 107 transaction set is exchanged between supply chain partners to request and provide a service and a rate proposal. Upon receiving an EDI 107 document, the motor carrier drafts a rate proposal for the trade partner, maps the information on the EDI 106 Motor Carrier Rate Proposal, and sends it to the shipper.
Stay EDI Compliant with EDIConnect
Simplifying the process of sending and receiving EDI messages, EDIConnect is designed for handling all X12 and EDIFACT transaction sets. Featuring a built-in translator, validator, and transaction builder, EDIConnect aids communication between trading partners, as well as helps them streamline the process of information exchange through process orchestration.