EDI 142 Product Service Claim
What is an EDI 142 Product Service Claim?
An EDI 142 Product Service Claim conveys information regarding a product’s usage and specifies the malfunctioning, service performed, recall condition, labor, parts, or any other associated costs.
The data contents and format of an EDI 142 Product Service Claim are used for the electronic interchange of information. Divided into segments and data elements, it may include the following information:
- Date the product was sold
- Date of delivery
- Details of a malfunction
- Product model
- Serial numbers
- Serial numbers of subassemblies
Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 142 Product Service Claim
An EDI 142 Product Service Claim transmits information to servicing organizations, manufacturers, sellers, claimants, and purchasers of the product. The costs of repair and the date when service was requested are shown in the information interchange, along with other details, such as when the product was available to be put back into service.
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