What is an EDI 170 Revenue Receipts Statement?
EDI 170 is an electronic document containing information about the revenue from daily ticket sales for each show. It is used to send and receive information that covers a contract week. Contract week is the duration a film shows at a theatre and is normally runs Friday through Thursday.
The EDI transaction set can be used for the following purposes:
- To report multiple levels of detail from individual points of occurrence
- To form consolidated points such as holding companies (circuits)
The data contents and format of EDI 170 Revenue Receipts Statement are used for the electronic interchange of information. It is divided into various saegments and data elements.
Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 170 Revenue Receipts Statement
EDI 170 comes under the category of X12M Supply Chain transaction sets. Businesses use this EDI transaction set to present daily information about the shows, ticket categories, price, attendance, and time of entertainment events.
Stay EDI Compliant with EDIConnect
EDIConnect is designed to handle EDIX12 and EDIFACT transaction sets. EDIConnect, bundled with its built-in EDI parser, validator, and transaction builder, makes the process of sending and receiving EDI messages quick and easy. It also enables businesses and trade partners to communicate in a seamless manner and achieve EDI compliance.