EDI 196 Contractor Cost Data Reporting
What is an EDI 196 Contractor Cost Data Reporting Document?
EDI 196 is an electronic document containing cost information that is relevant to a contractor. This transaction set can be used for supporting contractor cost reporting requirements that are required for actual costs as well as research and development estimates.
The transaction set can be used for the following purposes:
- Evaluation of the contractor proposals
- To provide cost projections of a specific program
- Development of historical databases for statistical techniques
- To independently analyze costs of new acquisitions
- To convey cost information related to different stages of the contract
The data contents and format of EDI 196 Contractor Cost Data Reporting are used for the electronic interchange of information. It is divided into various segments and data elements.
Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 196 Contractor Cost Data Reporting Document
EDI 196 falls under the category of X12G Government transaction sets. Contractors use it to report data related to cost. The information exchanged includes nonrecurring and recurring costs in accordance with the elements sorted as per the work breakdown structure (WBS). The WBS summarizes all activities that are related to a contract or proposal.
Other reported things include non-recurring and recurring functional costs along with categories charged on an hourly basis. Progress and learning curve are also included for providing detailed information related to the project, either by functional cost or hour. A summary of the contactor cost data is also reported which contains details about the resources along with indirect expenses.
Stay EDI Compliant with EDIConnect
With a built-in EDI parser, validator, and transaction builder, EDIConnect can handle transaction sets in X12 and EDIFACT formats. This helps businesses easily exchange EDI documents with their trading partners, allowing them to stay EDI compliant. Using EDIConnect, users can automate file uploads and downloads, create workflows, and transform files into the required format to streamline the process