EDI 204 Motor Carrier Load Tender
What is an EDI 204 Motor Carrier Load Tender?
EDI 204 is an electronic document used to communicate an offer for a shipment to a full-load carrier. It can also be used to create a new shipment or update, replace, or cancel an existing one. This transaction set is generally used by manufacturers, distribution centers, or retailers who wish to get their goods shipped. The document contains important details regarding a potential shipment, such as:
- Identification information of the carrier
- Information related to consignees
- Shipping instructions
- Equipment requirements such as the length of the truck
- Contact information of the sender
- Description of the goods beings transported, such as quantities and weight
Benefits of Using A Motor Carrier Load Tender
An EDI 204 transaction set replaces the conventional paper tender document. It is easier to handle and store and streamlines the tender approval and rejection process. Using EDI software, motor carriers can set up a workflow for faster document exchange with shippers. This includes sending an EDI 990 in response to a load tender. Since an EDI 990 document is expected within a certain time, sending one quickly helps maintain healthy relationships with vendors.
Since EDI documents are encrypted, it also reduces the risk of mishandling sensitive information, such as the tender amount.
EDI 204 Motor Carrier Load Tender Sample
An EDI 204 Motor Carrier Load Tender document is divided into functional groups that explain the contents of the transaction being conducted, as outlined here. The following example details the different data elements and segments that are found within this document:
ST*204*000000001~ B2**RDWY**123456789**PP~ B2A*00*LT~ L11*123456*CO~ L11*1234567890*BM~ PLD*2~ S5*1*LD~ G62*37*20170101*I*1400~ G62*38*20170101*K*1700~ AT8*G*L*119*6**E*27~ NTE*SPH*HAZ~ NTE*SPH*LIFTGATE~ N1*SH*SHIPPER NAME~ N3*STREET ADDRESS*DOCK-DOOR-SUITE~ N4*CITY*STATE*ZIP*COUNTRY~ G61*EC*NAME*TE*PHONE NUMBER~ S5*2*CU~ G62*68*20131003*Z*1300~ N1*CN*CONSIGNEE NAME~ N3*STREET ADDRESS*ADDRESS LINE 2~ N4*CITY*STATE*ZIP*COUNTRY~ L3*119*G*******27*E*6~ SE*24*000000001~
Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 204 Document
Businesses only use an EDI 204 for less-than-truckload and full-truckload shipments. An EDI 204 document is sent by the shipper to the transportation provider. In return, the carrier sends an EDI 990 Response to a Load Tender to communicate acceptance or rejection of the shipment order. In case of acceptance, the carrier sends an EDI 214 Shipment Status Report to provide delivery-related information to the trading partner. Finally, the motor carrier sends an EDI 210 Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice to request payment for shipping.
Streamline EDI Exchange with EDIConnect
EDIConnect is designed to handle EDIFACT and EDI X12, including HIPAA transaction sets. EDIConnect, bundled with its built-in parser, validator, and transaction builder, makes the process of sending and receiving EDI messages quick and easy. It also enables businesses and trade partners to communicate in a seamless manner and achieve EDI compliance.