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    EDI 511 Requisition

    September 13th, 2019

    What is an EDI 511 Requisition?

    The EDI 511 transaction can be used for the following purposes: 

    • To requisition equipment and required material from a supply distribution system for prompt utilization or stockage against projected requirements 
    • It is used by the originator for amending or terminating the original requisition 
    • It is used to evaluate and meet the material need of the originator by conveying a description and quantity of the required material, delivery and billing details, and other necessary logistics information. 

    This transaction set cannot form a contract between trading partners, but can be used in precedence to a purchase order. 

    The data contents and format of EDI 511 Requisition are used for the electronic interchange of information. It is divided into various segments and data elements.   

    Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 511 Requisition?

    EDI 511 falls under the category of X12M Supply Chain transaction set. It allows the originator to requisition equipment and required material from a supply distribution system, or to make changes to the original requisition request, or to relay information related to quantity, delivery, billing and logistics of the equipment and material of the requisition. 

    Stay EDI Compliant with EDIConnect

    EDIConnect is designed to handle EDI X12 and EDIFACT transaction sets. EDIConnect, bundled with its built-in parser, validator, and transaction builder, makes the process of sending and receiving EDI messages quick and easy. It also enables businesses and trade partners to communicate in a seamless manner and achieve EDI compliance. 

    Find out more about the industries we’ve helped and how we did it.


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