EDI 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice
What is an EDI 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice?
Buyers and sellers generally use this transaction set to convey inventory information which is common in dropshipping. EDI 846 documents adhere to the x12 format established by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), a non-profit organization responsible for governing EDI formats within the United States.
The type of information exchanged in the EDI 846 includes:
- inquiry time and date
- inventory location identification
- quantity forecasted
- quantity sold
- pricing information.
EDI 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice Sample
This document is divided into functional groups that explain the transaction’s contents. The following example details the different data elements and segments that are found within this transaction set[1].
ISA*00* *00* *12*7172557825 *Receive *160802*0717*U*00401*000012886*0*P*> GS*IB*7172557825*Receive*20160802*0717*12886*X*004010 ST*846*0001 BIA*00*DS*0700*20160802 REF*IA*XXXXXX N1*DS*D&H Distributing N3*Addresss N4*City*StateCode*Zip LIN**UP*0007325000001*VP*0270456467031*BP*455723541 PID*F*08*Item Description SDQ*EA*91*002*12*234*12*453*45*090*234*890*34************ QTY*33*6*EA LIN**UP*0007325000002*VP*0270456467032*BP*455723542 PID*F*08*Item Description SDQ*EA*91*002*12*234*12*453*45*090*234*890*34************ QTY*33*0*EA LIN**UP*0007325000003*VP*0270456467033*BP*455723543 PID*F*08*Item Description D&H Sample Set ISA*00* *00* *12*7172557825 *Receive *160802*0717*U*00401*000012886*0*P*> GS*IB*7172557825*Receive*20160802*0717*12886*X*004010 ST*846*0001 BIA*00*DS*0700*20160802 REF*IA*XXXXXX N1*DS*D&H Distributing N3*Addresss N4*City*StateCode*Zip LIN**UP*0007325000001*VP*0270456467031*BP*455723541 PID*F*08*Item Description SDQ*EA*91*002*12*234*12*453*45*090*234*890*34************ QTY*33*6*EA LIN**UP*0007325000002*VP*0270456467032*BP*455723542 PID*F*08*Item Description SDQ*EA*91*002*12*234*12*453*45*090*234*890*34************ QTY*33*0*EA LIN**UP*0007325000003*VP*0270456467033*BP*455723543 PID*F*08*Item Description 8/26/2016 V4010 ImplememtationGuide846_V1.ecs 24 D&H Distributors SDQ*EA*91*002*12*234*12*453*45*090*234*890*34************ QTY*33*18*EA LIN**UP*0007325000004*VP*0270456467034*BP*455723544 PID*F*08*Item Description SDQ*EA*91*002*12*234*12*453*45*090*234*890*34************ QTY*33*36*EA CTT*5502 SE*56477*0004 GE*1*4 IEA*1*000012886 Learn More
Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice
Belonging to the X12 transaction set, this document is primarily used to provide inventory information or inquire about inventory availability. Note: this inquiry document is not used to reserve items. It is used by both vendors and retailers. When used by a retailer, it informs the seller about the current level of items on the shelves. In contrast, a seller uses an EDI 846 to communicate their inventory levels and forecasted stock to retailers.
Simplify EDI Transactions with Astera EDIConnect
Astera EDIConnect is a robust solution designed to facilitate seamless B2B data exchange among systems. This enterprise-grade platform eliminates barriers by providing a code-free environment. It offers a unified interface that covers the entire EDI process, from source extraction to translation, acknowledgment generation, verification, and data transmission to its intended destination. With its intuitive drag-and-drop user interface, even non-technical users can effortlessly customize transactions, segments, elements, and validations.
Key Features:
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