EDI 996 File Transfer
What is an EDI 996 File Transfer?
EDI file transfer transaction set (996) is helpful in transmitting file information in formats approved by the sending and receiving parties. EDI 996 does not aim to bypass or replace the usage of existing X12 transaction sets to facilitate internal applications. It mainly aims at the transfer of formatted electronic accounting machines (EAM).
The data contents and format of EDI 996 File Transfer are used for the electronic interchange of information. It is divided into various segments and data elements.
Workflow for the Exchange of an EDI 996 File Transfer
EDI 996 file transfer falls under the category of X12C Communications & Controls transaction set. This transaction set transmits the file information in approved formats by both the sender and the receiver. It mainly transfers the formatted electronic accounting machine (EAM).
Stay EDI Compliant with EDIConnect
With a built-in message parser, validator, and transaction builder, EDIConnect can handle transaction sets in X12 and EDIFACT formats. This helps businesses easily exchange EDI documents with their trading partners, allowing them to stay EDI compliant. Using EDIConnect, users can automate file uploads and downloads, create workflows, and transform files into the required format to streamline the process.