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Category: Blog

  • Blog

Six Reasons Why Hadoop is not an Integration Solution

In August our blog, “Why Proprietary Software Can be More Cost-Effective Than Commercial Open Source,” enlightened readers about the potential high costs of choosing commercial open source (COS) over proprietary software. In this blog we build on that theme by…

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  • Blog

Dataflows – The Cornerstone of Data Integration Part 2

  Part 2 – Creating a Dataflow To create a new dataflow, go to File -> New -> Dataflow on the main menu. Or expand the New Dataflow dropdown on the main toolbar and select Dataflow from the dropdown menu….

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  • Blog

VinSolutions/AutoTrader.com Keeps Track of Over a Million Cars With Centerprise Automated ETL

“Every time we brought in a new dealer, there was a lot of development effort that had to be taken into account, whereas with Astera, it’s a lot faster process, and it doesn’t require a developer to be involved every…

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Commercial Proprietary Software vs Open Source – Which is Better?

  You can spend your money and buy the house, or you can spend your time and build the house. Either way, you pay for your house. Let’s begin by understanding what is commercial software. In simple words, it is…

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Data Conversion – Complex Doesn’t Need to be Complicated

Data conversion transforms data from one format to another so that source information can be integrated into a destination database. Data conversion software can extract data from multiple sources and then transform it into the data type required by the…

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