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October 2, 2024 — 11 am PT / 1 pm CT / 2 pm ET

Category: Blog

  • Blog

Customer Success Story: Centerprise Migrates Complex Financial and Administrative Data Across Church Conferences Nationwide

The General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) coordinates and administers the finances, property, and statistical resources of The United Methodist Church and safeguards the Church’s legal interests and rights. GCFA is responsible for consolidating and reporting financial and administrative…

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  • Blog

EDIConnect for HIPAA Integration

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires the implementation of national electronic data interchange (EDI) standards for electronic health care transactions for providers, health insurance plans, and employers. Integrating HIPAA transactions with back-end systems is a major issue…

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  • Blog

Q/A: Working With the High Volume Data Warehouse in Centerprise

The first in our Centerprise Best Practices Webinar Series discusses the features of Centerprise that make it the ideal integration solution for the high volume data warehouse. Topics include data quality (profiling, quality measurements, and validation), translating data to star…

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Customer Success: Global Financial Services Company Overcomes Challenge of Complex Client Data Integration With Centerprise

Astera’s Centerprise Data Integrator has helped this diversified global financial services holding company succeed in overcoming the challenge of integrating on a daily basis mass account transfers from incoming clients, most of whom have disparate data systems using fixed length,…

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  • Blog

The Astera Alliance Program Values Resellers and System Integrators

The Astera Alliance program helps reseller and system integrator partners to provide industry-specific solutions for customers that include Astera products, enabling them to take advantage of Astera’s innovative technologies to effectively meet the challenges of today’s complex data integration demands….

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