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Category: Blog

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Solving Complex Hierarchical Data Integration Issues Quickly and Easily

Business–to-business (B2B) data exchange is a complex undertaking involving a variety of platforms, formats, and data sources. Incoming data often has hierarchical structures that must be parsed into a common format, validated, and loaded into internal databases. And for outbound…

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  • Blog

Q&A: Complex Data Integration in Centerprise

Q: I have hundreds of XMLs located on a server, I need to be able to extract all available XMLs from that directory and create a source location of all conjoined XML files to begin my dataflow. Sounds like you…

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Centerprise Chosen by Vanderbilt University to Integrate and Manage Endowment Investments

The Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) Office of Investments manages the University’s $3.2 billion endowment fund. The Office needed to be able to determine consolidated risk exposures of the endowment to better understand the impact of different macroeconomic and market shocks. The…

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Customer Success Story: Centerprise Migrates Complex Financial and Administrative Data Across Church Conferences Nationwide

The General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) coordinates and administers the finances, property, and statistical resources of The United Methodist Church and safeguards the Church’s legal interests and rights. GCFA is responsible for consolidating and reporting financial and administrative…

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EDIConnect for HIPAA Integration

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires the implementation of national electronic data interchange (EDI) standards for electronic health care transactions for providers, health insurance plans, and employers. Integrating HIPAA transactions with back-end systems is a major issue…

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