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Join us for a FREE Webinar on Automating Healthcare Document Processing with AI

October 2, 2024 — 11 am PT / 1 pm CT / 2 pm ET

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  • Whitepaper

Why Choose ReportMiner Over Monarch?

Astera ReportMiner is a user friendly, enterprise-grade data extraction software that enables business users to extract information trapped in unstructured sources without writing any code.

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  • Whitepaper

ETL for Reliable and Efficient Data Movement

ETL processes are especially important in today’s growing big data world.

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  • Whitepaper

Commercial Open Source vs. Proprietary Data Integration Software

The debate about the advantages of open source versus proprietary data integration software is ongoing

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  • Whitepaper

Centerprise Integration with MS Dynamics

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a full-featured customer relationship management (CRM) application.

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  • Whitepaper

Human Readable Reports and the Data Trapped Within

Printed reports are meant to be read and reviewed by humans, but in today’s data-driven world there is a strong case for liberating the data trapped in these reports so it can be used electronically for further analysis or for…

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